14-Day Postnatal Intro Program

14-Day Postnatal Intro Program

This is a collection of daily postnatal workouts for you to do when you first join. Taking the guesswork out of where to start, this challenge will help guide you around the platform, giving you a taste of all the collections we have available. Over the course of two weeks, you will become familiar with the Bodylove Mama method, you will feel more energized, empowered and connected to your changing body.

When you complete the challenge you will be ready to move on to whatever tickles your fancy. You can work out by the length of workouts (long burn/quick burn), by body part (Upper Body/ Lower Body), Focus on your core (the Core Collective), enjoy Full Body burns (Total Bodylove), Yoga & Stretch classes and even immediately following birth. Remember to listen to your body. Every postnatal recovery is unique and there is no need to rush.

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14-Day Postnatal Intro Program